Frequently Asked Question


If you wish to return a product or a product is faulty, please return the product to the store you purchased it from. Please take your receipt with you.

If the product is a food item, please return the product within 7 days of purchase.

For all other items, you have 14 days to return the product.

Product ranging may vary from store to store, so please get in touch with your local store

If you want a product ranged in your local store, please give your feedback through our suggestion box.

You may also submit your suggestion to our headoffice through this contact form and make sure you select your store.

Promotions and Deals

Check out our weekly deals here or our facebook page.

Store Experience

There are 2 Options:
a) In all our stores, there is a suggestion box. You may like to drop your feedback in the box

b) You can email your feedback or complaint to the following email:

Health and Safety

We take all health and safety issues very seriously. We want to know about anything that may affect people’s safety and well-being in and around the store, including hazards, injuries, or issues with the products we sell.  If you spot anything that concerns you in or around the store, we suggest you notify a staff member in store immediately.

Lost Trolley

We want to make your shopping experience as convenient as possible by providing enough shopping trolleys for use. We need your help to return used trolleys back to your local store.

If you spot a trolley that has been abandoned or used by another retailer, we would appreciate it if you could use this contact form to let us know.


Online Shopping

Click & Collect will be available from mid 2022.

Rajendras Gift Vouchers

You can buy a gift voucher in-store or please contact us on +679 999 3995.

You can buy a gift voucher for your family in Fiji Islands from anywhere in the world. Please contact us on +679 999 3995.

You can redeem your gift voucher on any Rajedras Store. With the exception of Liquor, Cigarettes, and recharge cards, gift vouchers can be redeemed on any item available at the store.